Education Committee – Pamela Hargwood, Chair
The responsibilities of this committee shall include but not be limited to, developing and maintaining a long-range plan to address the educational needs of the membership by a continuous process that includes needs assessment and evaluation. This shall be accomplished by organizing a set of cohesive programs for the general membership. The Vice-President/President Elect shall serve as Chair of this Committee.
Information Technology Committee – Matthew Bridgeman, Co-Chair; Kyle Downey, Co-Chair
The responsibilities of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, maintaining and improving the competencies of the membership in the areas of information technology. The Chair of this Committee, or a designee of the Chair, shall serve on the Education Committee.
HSLANJ Group Licensing Initiative (GLI) – Barbara S. Reich, Chair
The responsibilities of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, planning, advising and assisting in the management of the group licensing initiatives offered by HSLANJ. The Executive Director shall provide administrative services for the Group Licensing Initiative. The committee should consist of representation from varying types and sizes of institutions. The committee should also have representation from libraries in all states that participate in the GLI.
Communications Committee – Tricia Reusing, Chair
The responsibilities of this committee shall include, but not be limited to developing, disseminating, promoting and maintaining information regarding the Association and promoting its activities and communicating issues that affect the membership.
Member Engagement Committee – Helen-Ann Brown Epstein, Chair
The responsibilities of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, recruiting new members into the Association, continuing involvement of members, fostering professional and personal networking among members, and recognizing and awarding Association members.