750+ Resources Available to Librarians Via Fall 2015 Offer

More than 750 electronic resources from 15 vendors are available to all medical librarians in the Middle Atlantic Region (MAR) and Southeastern/Atlantic Region (SE/A) through the Fall 2015 Offer curated by the Health Sciences Library Association of New Jersey (HSLANJ) Group Licensing Initiative (GLI). Two factors allow participants to realize a costs savings of 15-70% off resources’ regular pricing—negotiations by the HSLANJ GLI, and the leveraging of group purchasing power since more than 120 medical and hospital librarians regularly participate.

To receive a copy of the Fall Offer, please contact Robert T. Mackes (570-856-5952 or rtmackes@gmail.com).

Group Licensing is a creative solution to the escalating cost of high-quality electronic resources—medical journals, books and databases. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MAR and SE/A, fully recognize and endorse the HSLANJ Group Licensing Initiative as the lead organization capable of assisting libraries in their efforts to utilize multi-dimensional electronic resources. The HSLANJ Group Licensing Initiative is known as the first consortium of its kind in the nation.

Managed by medical librarian and HSLANJ Executive Director Robert Mackes, MLS, AHIP, the GLI is guided by a committee comprised of librarians from different-sized health facilities in the regions served. Contact Robert about scheduling a meeting or presentation about the GLI, at your next chapter, state organization or local consortium meeting.

The deadline to participate in the Spring Offer is Friday, October 30. Check the nonprofit organization’s website, hslanj.org, for more information and FAQs about the GLI.

The HSLANJ Group Licensing Initiative is funded in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00003-C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System. This project is also funded in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00004-C with the University of Maryland Baltimore.
