Getting Started with Statistics for Librarians

The HSLANJ Education Committee is sponsoring the Medical Library Association (MLA) webinar: Getting Started with Statistics for Librarians.  Please click here for more information.

All members in good standing will be charged a discounted, non-refundable fee of $25.00.  You must be a HSLANJ member to participate in this webinar.

When your payment is received, we will send you an access code for the webinar.  When you redeem the access code, you will have 180 days to view the webinar at your own pace, and to claim your 1.5 MLA CE Credits.

Please click below to register for this webinar today.

Registration Deadline: Friday, November 3, 2017

Registration form:

Registration deadline is Thursday, March 19, 2020.  You will receive an email confirmation, and invoices are processed every Friday morning.

Cost: $60.00 per person 

Cancellations cannot be accepted after Thursday, March 19, 2020.  Refunds cannot be issued for cancellations received after this date.

Mobile: (In case of emergency)
Special Dietary Requirements:
Type the characters you see here:

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