Sharing Technology and Cost Savings
The Group Licensing Initiative’s Spring 2019 Offer is now available!
The deadline to participate is Friday, May 3. Due to our online ordering system, no exceptions can be made to this deadline. Thank you to all who participate!
Click here to access the Offer.
We anticipate releasing a Fall 2019 Offer later this year.
The Group Licensing Initiative is open to participation from librarians in the following regions:
- NNLM Middle Atlantic Region (MAR)
- NNLM Southeastern/Atlantic (SE/A)
- NNLM New England Region (NER)
Due to our agreements with vendors, offers cannot be made publicly available. Each participating librarian will be issued a confidential password in order to participate.
Contact Robb Mackes if you need/forgot your password or if you have any questions regarding the Group Licensing Initiative: (email or 570-856-5952).